I am still floating around in a very slight haze, tell-tale signs of the great party I had yesterday evening, ostensibly on the occasion of some of my office colleagues getting themselves confirmed in the organization. Every reaction is taking that single second time lag before the body responds to the mind. Not to say that I didn't enjoy the party, in fact it was harder to say who was happier at their confirmation, if the glee with which my friends and I participated in the celebration was anything to go by. But after a grinding extra long day of work at the office (Very atypical of Fridays), I find myself again at the cramped cyber cafe typing away. Saturday will see the exuberant exercising of long lost cricketing skills in the pleasant winter sun. Had a pleasant feeling about this year and its turning to be quite awesome already. Winning an all India essay contest is like the perfect sop for all the money and time invested in this corner of the Internet, and things never looked cheerier. But the fact remains that even without the unexpected bonus of winning the prize, I would have been here anyway! Weekends come and go, without any repetition save for one. The unforgiving need to write or to curse myself for not making the effort to do so. God, I am addicted but here's addiction that looks all set to really pay off!