Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Stone Cold Poetry

Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema
"It was so beautiful that words could not describe it"

Whenever you hear that tired travel description, do note that the limitation is of the speaker-author, not that of the words. Words that could describe the aforementioned beauty do exist. It is only that the author is yet to find them or incapable of doing so.

Come to think of it, writing is said to have been first invented for that driest of dry jobs - accounting. Knowing how terribly rigorous most humans are in that regard, it would be untruthful for the craftsman to blame this tool for being inadequate. 

This also gives the much derided accountant a minor reprieve from the judgement of self-declared 'creatives'. Cold as numbers may seem to be, remember that without them there would be no poetry.


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